Amended and accepted: May 10, 2001

Revision:  October 1, 2007


ARTICLE   I  -   Name

This organization shall be known as St. Mary’s Home & School Association.



ARTICLE  II  - Purpose

The purposes of the Home & School Association are:

1.       To create good relationships with all involved in the educational process   at St. Mary Cathedral School.

2.       To offer educational and social opportunities to parents;

3.       To assist the faculty;

4.       To raise funds.



ARTICLE  III  - Membership and Dues                      

All parents (legal guardians) of children enrolled in St. Mary’s Cathedral School, faculty members and staff are automatically members. Alumni and any individuals interested in supporting Catholic education may become members upon payment of dues. Dues will be set annually by the Executive Committee during the Budget process and collected through the enrollment process.



ARTICLE   IV  -  Officers

        Section 1.             The pastor of St. Mary Cathedral or a priest appointed by him as the spiritual moderator.


                              Section 2.             The principal as ex-officio member.


Section 3.             The President who shall:

a.        be the designated representative of the Home & School on the St. Mary School Board;

b.       preside at all meetings;

c.        enforce observance of by-laws;

d.       appoint all committees and perform such duties as office may require;

e.        propose to the executive committee leadership for committees;

f.         strive for consensus in the executive committee;

g.        take to the general membership for a vote any issues dealing with items not included in the initial annual goals, objectives, or budget commitments;

h.       establish procedures for handling of cash consistent with diocesan policy.



Section 4.             The Vice-President who shall:

a.        be responsible for coordinating efforts with the Room Parent Coordinator.

b.       be responsible for planning and coordinating the Back to School Social.

c.        act as President in the event the President is unable to fulfill his/her duties of office until such time the position can be filled as per the by-laws.


Section 5.             The Secretary who shall:

a.        keep the official minutes of all meetings;

b.       submit the prior month’s meetings to principal for publication two weeks prior to each meeting.

c.        maintain correspondence and have charge of all documents and papers belonging to the association.



Section 6.             The Treasurer who shall:

a.        receive and disburse monies belonging to the Home & School

b.       account and make financial report at regularly scheduled business meetings;

c.        submit financial report to principal for publication two weeks prior to each meeting;

d.       do research and report to executive committee investment information;

e.        maintain the banking;

f.         initiate for the executive committee the annual budget and present it for a vote at the business meeting in April;

g.        prepare written annual report for the preceding year for presentation at September business meeting.


Section 7.             The Room Parent Coordinator who shall:

a.        be appointed annually and serve as an ex-officio member of the executive committee;

b.       obtain room parents and coordinate activities with the principal or faculty.


Section 8.             All officers must be of the membership of the Home & School during the  entire year of term of office.



ARTICLE  V  - Executive Committee


Section 1.             The Executive Committee shall:

a.        be comprised of the Pastor (or appointed priest), principal, and Room Parent Coordinator as ex-officio members, and the officers of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

b.       have the purpose of:

-          planning the agenda

-          publishing minutes and financial reports

-          establishing committees and leadership for standing committees

-          establishing annual goals and objectives for the year

-          proposing the annual budget

-          deciding matters of immediate concern between business meetings via consensus of the committee

-          making non-budgeted appropriations of money less than $100

-          establishing standing or temporary committees as needed

-          providing for an annual audit or financial review

-          calling an emergency meeting of the Home & School Association as needed

-          reviewing Home & School by-laws annually (added 9/24/07)



ARTICLE  VI  - Committees


Section 1:            Standing committees shall be established as follows:

a.        Fundraising – to determine projects, obtain leadership for fundraising projects.

b.       Athletics -  as defined in the Athletic Committee guidelines

c.        Room Parents – responsible for assisting teachers, providing all school parties, classroom communications and coordination of efforts between parents and other committees.

d.       Activities – parties, dances, play day, sacramental celebrations, etc.

e.        Social – to plan the program for the November and January meetings and other educational/social events for parents and legal guardians.

f.         Health – to help with student health screenings.


Section 2.             Additional committees may be established as decided by the executive committee.



ARTICLE  VII  -  Meetings


Section 1.             Meetings shall be held on the 4th Monday of September, November, January, and April.  Each meeting shall begin promptly at 7:00 pm and shall not exceed 90  minutes.   (dates amended on September 24, 2007)


Section 2.             A quorum of 20 members present is needed to transact business.


Section 3.             The agenda and minutes will be published in 2 school newsletters prior to the scheduled meeting.  Any issues regarding budget expenditures of over $3000 shall be published in 2 school newsletters prior to the meeting in which it shall be voted on.                          (amended 9/24/07)


Section 4.             The purpose of General Business Meetings shall be:

a.        to change, correct and/or accept minutes of the preceding meeting;

b.       to change, correct and/or accept financial report;

c.        to review and update goals and priorities for the year;

d.       to hear reports of the standing committees;

e.        to vote on major issues;

f.         to hear updates from principal/pastor;

g.        to hear ideas/concerns of membership.


Section 5.             The purpose of the Program Meeting shall be:

a.        to hear a brief update from principal/pastor;

b.       to hear brief reports from standing committee;

c.        to vote on pending issues that cannot be postponed to the next General Business Meeting;

d.       to present an educational/social program and members.




                ARTICLE VIII  -  Order of Business


Section 1.             General Business Meeting Agenda order:

1.       Opening Prayer

2.       Spiritual Moderator

3.       Introduction of new members and guests

4.       Approval of minutes and treasurer report as published

5.       Communications

6.       Principal report

7.       Committee report

8.       Old Business

9.       New Business

10.    Adjournment, Closing Prayer


Section 2.             Program Meeting Agenda order:

1.       Opening Prayer

2.       Spiritual Moderator

3.       Introduction of new members and guests

4.       Approval of minutes and treasurer report as published

5.       Principal report

6.       Committee reports (brief)

7.       Adjournment, Closing Prayer

8.       Program





ARTICLE  IX  -  Election of Officers


Section 1.             Election of officers shall be held at the April meeting followed by installation of officers.


Section 2.             All officers shall be elected for a term of two (2) years.  The Treasurer shall be elected in  the even year.  The Secretary shall be elected in the odd year.  Each year the position of Vice-President shall be elected.  The current year Vice-President shall assume the  position of President for the second year of his/her term.


Section 3.             In January, the Executive Committee shall appoint a nominating committee which shall  meet before the April meeting for the purpose of selecting candidates which shall be presented to the spiritual moderator for his approval.  It is required that there be at least  two candidates for each office.  These candidates shall be presented to be voted upon at the April meeting with the understanding that nominations can be made from the floor.


Section 4.             Candidates must meet these minimum requirements:

a.        be of the membership of the current school year.

b.       cannot serve as President of the St Mary School Board or Athletic Committee


Section 5.             All elections of officers shall be made by ballot.  Each office shall be voted on separately  and shall be determined by a plurality of votes cast.


Section 6.             Vacancies will be filled by the Executive Committee for terms of less than one year. Nominations and elections will be required for a vacant office with a term of one year or  more.


Section 7.             No officer shall succeed himself/herself in the same office except if filling a vacancy of  less than one year in the previous or next administration.




ARTICLE  X  -  Amendments


Section 1.             Amendments to by-laws may be adopted by a 2/3 vote of the members present at any business meeting.  A written announcement of the proposed change must be made to the membership at least one week prior to the time it is to be taken up at the meeting.





Section 1.             St. Mary’s teachers and any members of St. Mary’s Home & School Association who has a child attending St. Mary Cathedral School have voting privileges subject to payment of family dues.  One vote per parent or legal guardian.  Dues will be set annually by the Executive Committee during the budget process and collected through the enrollment process.