Troop 5 Committee Meeting

Wednesday, March 2, 2005


Committee Chairperson:   Debbie Griffith

Scoutmaster:   Jerry Hampton

Senior Patrol Leader:   Will Lafoe

Troop Scribe:   Wesley Spinks

Chaplain:  Allen Taylor

Treasurer:   David Hinton

Uniform Bank: 

Court of Honor:   Joyce Renaud and Diane Flesher

Board of Reviews:  David Knight and Larry Holmes Chairmen

Historian:  Murray Grace

Advancements:  Brian Weiss, Sheryl Schmitt and Jerry Hampton

OA Representative:  Chris Wessel

Equipment:   Mark Spinks

Older Scout Program Coordinator:  John Waggener

Training Coordinator:  Kenny Beussink

Hospitality:  Joyce Renaud

Recruitment and Mentoring Program:  All of us

Camping Coordinator:  John Waggener

Newsletter:  Debbie Griffith

Telephone/E-mail Coordinator:  Diane Flesher

Website Coordinator:  Mark Spinks


I.                   Committee Reports


II.                Old Business

A.     We had 17 Boys attend Merit Badge University.  Fifteen boys completed merit badges and 2 received partial completions.  The MBU campout was cancelled due to weather.

B.     The Taum Sauk hike will be a modified hike this year.  There will be  a 3 mile hike on Saturday and Sunday they will visit the Electricity Plant and Museum in the area before returning home.  The troop will pay for the camping expenses and the patrols will prepare the food.  It is planned to leave the VFW at 7:00 a.m. on March 19th.

C.     There will be 36 scouts going to Jamboree from this area.  Wesley Spinks will be quartermaster and Brent Wessel will be assistant chaplain.

D.    Trade-O-Ree will be March 11th  and 12th.  We  have a coordinator for this event.  THANK YOU Mr. Hinton!!!!!!  He will sign up boys and workers for Trade-O-Ree.  It was decided at the Scoutmaster’s meeting that for the first time, 1st Class and above Scouts can work at the Trade-O-Ree  to earn money for their individual accounts. (They use this money to pay for scout camp or anything else that has to do with scouting.)  If you or your scout are interested in working at Trade-O-Ree, please see Mr. Hinton.  Set up will be Thursday night.  So far 36 tables have been sold but more is expected.  There will also be an auction as well as a silent auction at Trade-O-Ree.  Half of the proceeds from the auctions will go to the James A. Kinder building at Camp Lawallen.

E.     The Troop 5 Court of Honor was held February 27th at the Elks Lodge.  Congratulations to all the boys for their merit badge achievements, their advancements and particularly our two new Eagle Scouts, Will Lafoe and Jim Flesher.

F.      If you were at the Court of Honor you are aware that Assistant Scoutmaster James Kinder was chosen to receive the St. George award from his church.  The presentation took place in Belleville, IL the same time as our Court of Honor.  This is the highest scouting award that can be presented to a scouter from the Catholic Church.  We are very proud of his accomplishment.


 New Business


I would like to thank everyone who helped in some way to make this Court of Honor such a success.  Thanks to Joyce Renaud and Susan Gentry for helping the Eagle Parents with food and decorations for this event.  A great big thank you to Rhonda Wessel for putting together the program for Court of Honor.  And a thanks to all the behind the scenes people who set up chairs, and had everything ready when we walked in.  A special thanks on my part to all of you who came to our aid when Matt had his injury.  We didn’t have to get the ice, paper towels, Kleenex, etc. our scouting family took care of us and we appreciate you!


Senior Patrol Leader, Will Lafoe has two programs planned so far this month and they include a presentation by Shane Todd about what to do during a natural disaster and the second program will be from the Salvation Army.


The Shiloh Campout listed on the Troop Calendar for April 15, 16 and 17 has been changed to a campout at Hahn State Park.  We will leave Saturday morning April 16th at 7:00 a.m.


Our April calendar is full to bursting.  They will decide at the Scoutmasters meeting which, if any, activities we will be unable to participate in.  However, input from the parent’s committee is  welcome.  The activities are as follows: 

April 2ndCape County Park  Flag Raising  Need at least 4 scouts.

April 9th…OA weekend at Scout Camp…All OA members should be there.

April 10th… MS walk.  We will need 8-10 scouts and 4 adults.


April 16thHahn State Park Campout

April 23rdElks Lake Clean-up.  Will need 6-10 scouts for about 2-3hrs.

April 29-30…Camporee at Perryville (can complete veterinary  science merit badge).


We are sorry to announce that Bob Poppen is no longer an assistant scout master for Troop 5.  We are needing to find another assistant scoutmaster for the Dragon Patrol.


Scout Camp is the week of June 19-25. The cost is $115.00.  Money for camp must be turned in by the last week of April.  For older scouts, the S-Bar-F and Horse Camp at Beaumont are also available.


Scout Camp physicals will be provided in May by Dr. Griffith, for those scouts needing them.